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Sexual health 
Reproductive health 
Cervical Cancer Screening 
Breast checks
Fertility & Preconception care 
Urinary Incontinence 
Sexual dysfunction
Preventative Health Care



The Cervical Screening Test (CST), formally known as the Pap Smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. It commences from the age of 25 years and if normal is required every 5 years.


For further information on the cervical screening test, please click here



Assessment & management of: 

  • Painful periods

  • Heavy periods 

  • Irregular periods 

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge 

  • Abnormal bleeding 

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Endometriosis 

Image by Reproductive Health Supplies Co


Condoms are great at protecting against STI's, but they are not the most effective method of contraception. During your consultation all potential contraception methods can be discussed to find one that suits you best. 


Some of your options may include the combined oral contraceptive pills, Implanon, intrauterine devices (MirenaKyleenacopper IUD), progestogen only pill, the Caya diaphragm and the Depo contraceptive injection.


Woman & Doctor


Are you thinking of trying for a baby in the next year?

If the answer is yes, it is important to make an appointment to optimise your health and fertility prior to you starting to try. Preconception blood tests will be needed as well as an assessment of your overall health. A folate supplement should be taken at least one month prior to conception and for the first three months of pregnancy. Please make an appointment for a comprehensive preconception appointment. 


Some useful fact sheets can be found at the Your Fertility website, found here

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Do you suffer from urine leakage when you cough or sneeze? Do you have to race to the toilet and leak before you get to the toilet?

Treatment for these symptoms is possible and it is not something you have to live with. A management plan can be discussed to help with the incontinence. 



Breast screening mammograms start from the age of 50 and occur every two years. However you can start having a mammogram from the age of 40. If you have a family history of breast cancer, this can change the recommended time to start breast screening. The iPrevent tool can be used to better assess your risk of breast cancer and screening needs. 

If you notice any changes to your breasts or develop breast symptoms please make an appointment to get a breast check and assessment. 

You should try to check your own breasts regularly to get to know your breasts identify any changes. Our doctor can teach you how to check your breasts during your consultation. The Know Your Lemons chart is a useful guide on changes to watch out for and can be found here

Blood Samples


  • Bone Health  

  • Heart health 

  • Diabetes Screening

  • Smoking cessation


Woman Running


The perimenopause and menopause can present with varying symptoms caused by changes in oestrogen levels. These symptoms can often affect your quality of life. If you would like to explore treatment options, both non-hormonal and hormonal can be discussed to find a solution that best suits you. 


If you are considering menopause hormone therapy (MHT) -formally known as hormone replacement therapy or HRT- but are unsure of the risks and benefits, a menopause consultation can help provide important information so that an informed treatment decision can be made. The following link is also a useful decision making tool. 


The menopause has an impact on bone health, cardiovascular health and, in some, mental health. Preventative health assessments and advice can help optimise your overall health during this time. 


Sexual problems and urinary incontinence can also occur or worsen during the menopause. These symptoms can be addressed during your consultation. 


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